About Intensives
Intensives are guided training programs with a specific theme. Each intensive combines a selection of technique drills, lectures and various assignments gathered together to help you develop and/or improve certain skills. Check below which topics appeal to you the most.
You can follow the suggested duration of each intensive, or do it on your own pace. Also, you can keep track of your progress while following the steps of the intensive, as well as continue your practice afterwards with suggested related topics.
Already a member? Check out all intensives here.
Topics Coming Next: Conditioning For Belly Dancers
How to Create Choreographies
Join The Iana Dance Club
Get instant access to all intensives at the Iana Dance Club and practice anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
As a member, you also have access to Technique Drills, Choreographies, Courses and join a world-wide community of dancers.
Find out more about the Iana Dance Club HERE, or click below to start your 7-day free trial today.